So another week has passed, flown past more like! Seams only yesterday I was being pestered about the fact there wasn't a post up yet for last week. The weeks been a busy one lots of work over time, some late nights doing course work and building PC's. Unfortunately its been what I could only call a set back week in terms of training with very minimal activity.
This week I've only managed to eek out 3 runs totalling a meagre 7 miles and have failed to put any time in the pool on the charts or get my bike fixed and put down any time on the turbo trainer or road. There's no excuse for it really, I've been crazy busy with everything else but not really enough not to nip to the bike shop and pick up a inner tube or go out for a run before a 9am lecture.
The three runs I did manage to clock this week have been good, a three mile run with my house mate Will was in perfect conditions: cool, sunny and fresh. Will is also trying to get fit for his own reasons but as a side note, he's doing Movemeber as the fabulous photo below shows and you can donate at Movemeber Donate. This was the first run at Holme Pierrepont National Water sports Centre from now on to be known in these ramblings as HPP, having kayaked on the white water course weekly, even daily at times I had often glanced over the peak of the small separating hill to to the regatta lake at its 2km+ long rectangle disappearing of into the distance and wandered why anyone would ever run/bike round it, and now I am and will be many more times over the coming months! The course for the run section of the outlaw goes around the lake twice as part of the route the second time coming down the back straight to finish in front of the grandstand.
The other two runs were unremarkable beside the noticeable temperature drop off, the first 2 miler late last week was a cooler morning the second 2 miler this morning was what I would call cold at -1 degrees when I left the house. First time I've ever run I a thermal top (merino wool) and it seamed to be about the right temperature so if the temps are down at that again I will be donning more thermal kit before venturing out in the ice, another interesting if slidey part of the experience!
Now although I did next to no exercise this week I have managed to keep the food intake down, which as anyone who knows me would tell you is an achievement in itself. The plan is to cut out takeaway as much as possible and try to limit the inevitable Christmas season diet damage. To that end I have been trying to eat more fruit and veg and less crisps (namely tubes of Pringles) as well as biscuits and even managed to do a food shop where maybe 80% of the food I could comfortably defend as healthy, the crate of cider, wedge of fancy cheese and crackers were my few let downs, but you've got to have something to spoil yourself with.
Another none exercise advancement (see its not been a completely bad week... right? ) is that I have ordered some more kit. I know I probably didn't need it but I like to think that it will help even if its only a mental boost, so that being said I have ordered a Tri race suit to try out and also a GPS multi sport watch and heart rate monitor in the Amazon sales to try out. Both are due to arrive tomorrow when I am typically due to go home in the morning to see family so I may not get hold of them till later in the week and will undoubtedly have to trek across town to some hidden industrial estate to pick them up from the sketchy parcel depot.
All things said and done I've not really advanced in my training plan and another week has slipped by, this coming week needs to see some miles being clocked up in at least two of the three disciplines if not all three of them! And I need to read up on the rules and regulations of the race to check what actual kit I need to buy to be within the rules and start looking into things I need to practice such as transitions, something I've never done before!
Until next time,